Have you used dried fennel seeds, but never fresh fennel? Not sure what a leek is? Here are a few recipes featuring our products and featured items to help you discover new foods and flavors. They might even give you a new reason to stock up on your old favorites.
Fennel Pesto
Source: Wild Meadows Farm (Entered by Jenifer Perry)This is a fun recipe that we created by opening the pantry and using what we found. Of course, we didn’t measure anything at the time, but we have tried to approximate the recipe so you can enjoy it too. Be sure to let us know if you find anything in your pantry that makes this pesto even better!
Be sure to try it with the leek pancakes or over pasta.
Serves: serves 6
3/4 cup
chopped leeks, onions or shallots
1/2 cup
pumpkin seeds
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
dried lavender
1 cup
cooked green lentils
2 TB
olive oil
Step by Step Instructions
- Add all ingredients except olive oil to food processor and process 15 seconds.
- Remove lid, scrape sides and add 1 TB olive oil. Replace lid and process another 15 seconds. Repeat if necessary.
- Continue processing until you reach the desired texture (add more oil if you would like the consistency to be more like a sauce).
- Enjoy on pasta, Leek Flatbread, crackers or fresh vegetables.
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